Happy Anniversary – Postal ZIP Code

July 1, 2009 Today the USPS ZIP Code turns 46 years old. However, the cartoon figure, Mr. ZIP, originated serveral years earlier. Mr. ZIP, was adopted by USPS as the trademark for the Zoning Improvement Plan or ZIP Code, which began on July 1, 1963. Mr. ZIP was designed by Harold Wilcox, son of a letter […]

Number of Postal Employees Continues to Decline

June 30, 2009 USPS filed their ON ROLLS AND PAID EMPLOYEE STATISTICS with the PRC recently. The results of this report indicates that the decline in the number of postal employees continues. Due to automation and the decline in volume the clerk craft is losing the greatest number of employees. From June 2008 to June […]

More Theft By Union Officials

June 28, 2009 The Office of Labor-Management Standards (OLMS) conducts both civil and criminal investigations of alleged violations of the Labor-Management Reporting and Disclosure Act (LMRDA) and related laws. These investigations by OLMS District Offices involve issues such as embezzlements of union funds, union officer elections, the filing of required reports by unions and others […]

Postal Service launches study on the elimination of Saturday delivery

In response to the financial crisis facing the Postal Service due to the severe national recession and the impact of electronic substitution, postal management has launched an internal study on the feasibility of eliminating Saturday delivery across the United States NALC received a letter dated June 11 from the Postal Service requesting the union’s input […]

NALC: Subcommittee Marks Up HR 22

June 24, 2009 The subcommittee on the Federal Workforce, Postal Service and the District of Columbia marked up H.R. 22 today and passed it by a unanimous vote. This legislation will allow the United States Postal Service to pay its share of contributions for annuitants’ health benefits out of the Postal Service Retiree Health Benefits […]

USPS Posts Phase II RIF-avoidance Vacancies

June 17, 2009 Job vacancies for Phase II District Customer Service Offices and mail processing organizational changes opened yesterday and remain available online through July 1. Employees who received a general RIF notice, who are in an impacted position, and who didn’t get a job during the Phase I postings are encouraged to apply for […]

Ouch! Mail Hurts

‘Neither snow, nor rain, nor heat, nor gloom of night stays these couriers from the swift completion of their appointed rounds’ Many postal employees work for years with USPS and never have any harmful physical effects from their postal jobs. However, over the years there have been literally thousands and thousands that have experienced long […]

Western Nassau AMP Consolidation Meeting Summary

The Long Island District held an AMP meeting concerning the Western Nassau P&DC on 5/27/09 which is projected to eliminate the outgoing collection mail processing on tour three. The following are the projected benefits for the USPS to an AMP Consolidation: 2.9 Million annual savings for the Long Island District. Consolidating tour three will maximize […]

USPS: Keeping it confidential: both during and after employment

Keeping it confidential: both during and after employment Postal employees are obligated to keep Postal Service information confidential and protect postal intellectual property – during their employment and after leaving the Postal Service. Maintaining confidentiality is critical. Violating it could have a negative effect on the organization’s profitability and, ultimately, its success. Confidential information includes […]